Geist & Gegenwart – Dialogue Forum / Whitsun Dialogue
The Styrian Government launched the ‚Geist & Gegenwart‘ dialogues in 2005 to create a formal platform for in-depth intellectual discourse on important questions of our time, something which has always been a major concern for Graz and Styria, which constitute a dynamic hub in the South-East of Europe.
‘Geist & Gegenwart’ is a platform for fruitful, interdisciplinary and international debates on basic principles in the Styrian border region situated at the intersection of four European cultures. Styria has always seen itself as a bridge to those South-Eastern regions, which have recently moved once again towards the centre of Europe.
‚Geist & Gegenwart‘ is made up of two components
First, the Whitsun Dialogues, which are held every two years in Seggauberg Castle, the former Bishop’s residence in southern Styria, close to the Slovenian, Croatian and Hungarian borders. The events took place in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015.
Second, a series of dialogues launched in autumn 2007, which take place several times a year in Graz, where prominent experts contribute to intellectual discussions in lecture and discussion evenings.
‘Geist & Gegenwart’ is coordinated by the Styrian Government’s Department for Science and Research, which is headed by Regional Minister Christopher Drexler, in cooperation with JOANNEUM RESEARCH, the Diocese of Graz-Seckau, the European Forum Alpbach and the five Styrian universities.